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Thursday, July 21, 2016

James Dobson and The Christian Right Sleep With the Enemy

From Article: Every day people tell me that they’re finished with organized Christianity; that they’re walking away from the American Church for good, and it isn’t because of gays or cultural decay or materialism or lust or whatever these preachers like to lift while in the pulpit.
These millions of honest, wise (and yes faithful) people are making their exodus because they see Dobson and people like him and they realize the absolute absurdity of it all.
They see that to align one...self with Donald Trump in the name of “shared faith”, is the same as a vegan going into business with Burger King. It’s all dissonance. It’s a compete disconnect undermining the very bedrock of their core beliefs, and so they’re choosing to leave instead of being associated with such a blatant powerlust move. They’ve run out of patience with a spirituality that’s for sale. They’re through with a Christianity that only needs to win. And I’m right with them.

Article...If Donald Trump is the next President, Dobson and those with him right now will need to look in the mirror and repeat the question Jesus asked of his disciples: “What will it profit a man if he gains the world but loses his soul?”

These Evangelicals are making their bed right now, and it’s costing them everything to lie in it.

Morning is going to be rough.