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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Obama, Rush Limbaugh and Fox News: A Look at Media in 2009

Excerpt: Ask just about any public interest advocate concerned about the dismal state of media and journalism, and they will tell you that Obama's media policy platform is excellent: the beginning of what could be the most public interest friendly administration in presidential history. Part of this optimism stems from Obama's understanding that Internet and technology are the cornerstone of a 21st century economy and society. Another part comes from the competence and integrity of the media and telecom advisors working on his transition team. And another comes from his direct experience.
Obama-the-candidate commented several times that voters' false views of him -- that he's a Muslim, a socialist and unpatriotic -- were fed and spread by Fox News and their cohorts like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham in the far-right media. Obama understands that they are the special sauce in Karl Rove's toxic recipe to discredit progressive policies and politicians, and divide Americans with wedge issues.And Obama understands that pushing back against guys like Limbaugh - who this week blamed the president-elect for the financial crisis, calling it "Obama's recession" - requires a bold policy agenda that uses the Internet to pry media distribution monopolies away from the largest media companies. Though often underreported, Obama spoke frequently about his commitment to blocking further media consolidation, fostering more independent and diverse media, ensuring universal high-speed Internet access, and "taking a back seat to no one" in passing "Net Neutrality" laws to prevent Internet providers like Comcast and AT&T from creating fast and slow lanes on the Internet.

Bush negotiated $40 billion + bonus contracts

A Wall Street Journal article about Tim Geithner and his aides' involvement in decisions about AIG's bonus payments did not note that it was the Bush administration that negotiated a November 2008 stock purchase agreement with AIG through which the Bush Treasury Department injected $40 billion into the company without requiring that the bonus contr

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Saturday, March 21, 2009

How to actually talk to an athiest

One HELL of a long read but completely worth it for people on both sides of the argument. Open your minds. Open your eyes and read

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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Colin Powell’s former chief of staff: Cheney is "EVIL"

Lawrence Wilkerson, Colin Powell’s former chief of staff who left the Bush administration in protest, wrote an essay on the Washington Note last evening slamming Cheney’s fearmongering. Wilkerson calls Cheney “evil” and says his detainee policies were only “assisting” terrorists:

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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Outrageous Offenses Against Richard Cheney

TV journalists protest the insufficiently reverent commentary directed at "the former Vice President of the United States."

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Barack Obama is an evil human-race-enslaving robot

New Deal critic Amity Shlaes compares the president's healthcare plan to "The Matrix",or to put it otherwise,the republican lunacy gets worse by the minute.

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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Obama's New World Order

A powerful team can succeed, but only if everyone agrees who is in charge.

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What If Jon Stewart had Interviewed Dick Cheney

Each time John King let Cheney get away with spouting gross inaccuracies and revisionist history, I kept thinking how different things would have been had Stewart been asking the questions. Stewart without the comedy and without the outrage -- just armed with the facts and the willingness to ask tough questions.

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Wake-up call for organized religion

That, with apologies to R.E.M., is the startling conclusion of a new study, the American Religious Identification Survey, conducted by researchers at Trinity College of Hartford, Conn. The poll of over 54,000 American adults found a sharp erosion in the number of people claiming religious affiliation.

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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Michael Shermer » God is Only a Theory

I have given much thought to the creationists’ demand that evolution be stricken from public school science classes, or that it be taught side-by-side with creationism because “evolution is only a theory” and since “no one was there to witness the creation” we cannot say for sure what really happened.

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What Left Turn?

The president is sticking to his campaign promises, not lurching leftward.

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GOP love means saying you're sorry

People keep asking, in the wake of two consecutive shellackings at the voting booth, what is wrong with the GOP.

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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

End in Sight for Army Wife with Obama-Iraq War

When the Iraq war broke out my husband who is in the Army Reserve was sent to Germany for 8 months, then to Iraq twice. After much thought and studying of this war and of my situation I finally viewed my position this way:

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Bending the Trajectory Left

Obama is determined to shift our whole political spectrum to the left, redraw the boundaries of our politics and expand the realm of the possible. He senses that the nation is already moving in his direction, well ahead of its political leadership.

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