Eric Boehlert: Why Ignoring Limbaugh and Fox News Isn't An Option
The truth is, the far-right media in this country is waging a war. It's a war they're fighting while connected at the hip with the Republican Party, and with deep-pocketed support inside the conservative movement. And it's a media industry that often pushes Republican politicians around on important public policy issues.
Faced with that daunting revolution, the answer for the political left is to ignore Fox News while it recruits candidates, allows them to fundraise on-air, and turns over hundreds of hours of free airtime to GOP politicians? The answer is to ignore Fox News, which is now in the business of producing and airing four-minute anti-Obama attack ads
If liberals are going to pay no attention Fox News, they may as well ignore the entire Republican Party because there's no functional daylight between the two.
Fact: Today's conservative movement in America is first and foremost a media one. Therefore, ignoring the media isn't an option.