The praise GOP and other conservative leaders have for Ayn Rand:
• Paul Ryan says Ayn Rand is the reason he entered politics and he requires all staff and interns to read her books. Says Ryan: “Ayn Rand more than anyone else did a fantastic job of explaining the morality of capitalism, the morality of individualism.”
• Clarence Thomas requires his law clerks to watch The Fountainhead, and has “I tend really to be partial to Ayn Rand.”
• Sen. Ron Johnson, Ryan’s GOP colleague from Wisconsin, calls Atlas Shrugged his “foundational book.”
• Rush Limbaugh calls Ayn Rand “the brilliant writer and novelist.”
• Fox News repeatedly promoted the recently released movie version of Atlas Shrugged, airing the trailer on several shows and interviewing cast members.
Read more: 2011/05/13/ the-gops-godless-philosopher/ #ixzz1r6NfQEGC
• Paul Ryan says Ayn Rand is the reason he entered politics and he requires all staff and interns to read her books. Says Ryan: “Ayn Rand more than anyone else did a fantastic job of explaining the morality of capitalism, the morality of individualism.”
• Clarence Thomas requires his law clerks to watch The Fountainhead, and has “I tend really to be partial to Ayn Rand.”
• Sen. Ron Johnson, Ryan’s GOP colleague from Wisconsin, calls Atlas Shrugged his “foundational book.”
• Rush Limbaugh calls Ayn Rand “the brilliant writer and novelist.”
• Fox News repeatedly promoted the recently released movie version of Atlas Shrugged, airing the trailer on several shows and interviewing cast members.
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