Louisianans bleed Together, Louisianans suffer Together, Louisianans survive Together
Another tragedy is unfolding. Another One!, I scream irately and angrily to the heavens.
How can this be? How unfair and how are we going to, now, survive this, I desperately ask.
I know here in New Orleans, where I now live (Crowley, Cajun country originally) we have had our share of hardship and difficulties. Many of us frighten, despaired and overwhelmed what we experienced nearing 5 years ago. Hurricane Katrina's anniversary is in August. And Hurricane Rita gust in without much delay, giving Louisiana no break or rest. It seems barley enough time to catch our breath, even though we sweat it out every hurricane season since. The experience of the "big one" has left many of us edgy, anxious and nervous. It has been a challenge for us all.
Now here is once more another challenge. The oil spill in the gulf that threatens our, ecosystem, shoreline and seafood industries. For many of us, our distress are concentrated on our wetlands which have become more defenseless by Hurricane Katrina and Rita. I recognize I have. For us to undergo another "big one" our coast is the first line of defense to our survival. Ever since these potential, massive hurricanes, my intense coastal and wetland focus has been like a laser, zeroing on which is most important for Southern Louisiana's continued existence.
However, the health and wellbeing for our future lies right now with-- us-- which are our local oil field experts and workers. The men on these oil rigs, the ones that will--and I have confidence--will plug the blowout and stop the damage--the bleeding--they are US.
They are family and friends, mutual Louisiana citizens, who are well aware how important their job is, for us as well as for themselves and their family.
Much is at stake to our livelihood, our environment and our way of life.
These challenges, taken together-- standing together as community, we can accomplish much. Louisianans bleed Together, Louisianans suffer Together, Louisianans survive Together. Let us not be divided. Division will only hinder, obstruct and hamper.
I am not liking what I am seeing out there, in the media, in the newspapers, on the news programs-- the cynics, the name-calling, the finger-pointing, the conspiracy theories, none of this helps. In fact, this is not the" best of us" but the "worst of us". To solve big problems such as this, it will take the "best of us". When the fringes dominate the debate--it doesn't make for good course of action. Careless language reduces the ability to solve problems or produce any agreement among us. It mainly produces anger. Lots of us are frustrated, concerned, worried, questioning, doubtful, uncertain, searching, and yes, even hopeful. Some of these emotions guide us into good problem-solving but anger seldom does.
Let us not be swayed by those, who want to divide and who have a very different "agenda" than Louisianans. Lost within these harsh and loud voices is the image of what Louisianans are really about, what Louisianans stand for and what Louisianans need. Louisiana right now, need leaders and citizens with balanced, fair and intelligent reasoning to work out very difficult situations we find ourselves.
For myself and identifying with many --Louisiana, the New Orleans area and specially Cajun country, this is my country, this is our country, it is about--an up-bringing, a background, a personal history of ancestors and descendants, an environment of people, relationships, relatives and family.
This is what makes us strong. This is what unites.
United, Louisiana and its people will overcome fear, despair and anger for we know these emotions weaken us as a person, weaken us as a society. We will, be stronger than this, we will, be stronger than the ones that want to divide us. We will, embrace our challenges, we will, accept. And in our support of one another, we will, succeed.
Our better-selves are already at work, working together. The enterprising and creative circle of community is hard at work---Our Oil Workers(Justin, Logan, Kyle), Shrimpers, Community Outreach Coordinators (BP) , Coastal Parish Governments, Audubon Nature Institute, Seafood Industry, Federal Homeland Security, Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness( Lee John), Corp of Engineers(Danny), Gulf Restoration Network, Wildlife and Fisheries, Coast Guard, National Guard, and our local volunteers of Louisiana citizens.
Taking sides is unnecessary and counter-productive because:
Louisianans bleed Together, Louisianans suffer Together, Louisianans survive Together
Newsvine - Louisianans bleed Together, Louisianans suffer Together, Louisianans survive Together