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Friday, February 24, 2012

Delusions About the Detroit Bailout -

Delusions About the Detroit Bailout -

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Speculation - not demand or regulation - behind dramatic gas price increases- Kingsport Times-News

Speculation - not demand or regulation - behind dramatic gas price increases- Kingsport Times-News

Friday, February 17, 2012

Conehead Romney

On Hardball Howard Fineman suggested that Mitt Romney reminds him of a Conehead.

Romney's movements are so mechanical. Much like a robot and yes, like a conehead. I noticed that too when I watched him speak at his rallies. Anyone else noticed this too? Poor guy, he is trying so hard to look like one of us. And of course he is not. Just like the coneheads from another planet trying to blend in on planet Earth.

(37) Susan Thur

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Climate change denial’s new offensive -

It’s no secret where this denialism comes from: The fossil fuel industry pays for it. (Of the 16 authors of the Journal article, for instance, five had had ties to Exxon.)Writers from Ross Gelbspan to Naomi Oreskes have made this case with such overwhelming power that no one even really tries denying it any more. The open question is why the industry persists in denial in the face of an endless body of fact showing climate change is the greatest danger we’ve ever faced.

Climate change denial’s new offensive -

Nation's Largest Catholic University: We Offer 'A Prescription Contraceptive Benefit' | ThinkProgress

The largest Catholic university in the nation has admitted to providing contraception coverage as part of its health care benefit package, further undermining the GOP’s claims that Obama’s regulation requiring insurers and employers to offer reproductive health benefits represents and “unprecedented” war against religion. The rule — which exempts houses of worship and nonprofits that primarily employ and serve people of faith from providing contraception coverage — mirrors existing requirements in six states.

Nation's Largest Catholic University: We Offer 'A Prescription Contraceptive Benefit' | ThinkProgress

Monday, February 6, 2012

WP: Fareed Zakaria-The world has changed, Mr. Romney

The world has changed, Mr. Romney

This is a new world, very different from the America-centric one we got used to over the last generation. Obama has succeeded in preserving and even enhancing U.S. influence in this world precisely because he has recognized these new forces at work. He has traveled to the emerging nations and spoken admiringly of their rise. He replaced the old Western club and made the Group of 20 the central decision-making forum for global economic affairs. By emphasizing multilateral organizations, alliance structures and international legitimacy, he got results. It was Chinese and Russian cooperation that produced tougher sanctions against Iran. It was the Arab League’s formal request last year that made Western intervention in Libya uncontroversial.

By and large, you have ridiculed this approach to foreign policy, arguing that you would instead expand the military, act unilaterally and talk unapologetically. That might appeal to Republican primary voters, but chest-thumping triumphalism won’t help you secure America’s interests or ideals in a world populated by powerful new players.

You can call this new century whatever you like, but it won’t change reality. After all, just because we call it the World Series doesn’t make it one.

WP: Fareed Zakaria